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   日期:2024-05-24     浏览:33    评论:0    


Can you yearn for such a life? High French window across the noisy crowd outside the window, make a cup of tea, holding a book, lying on the cane chair book. From time to time, sip a small sip of tea, let the afternoon lazy sunshine sprinkled on the body, occasionally look up at the crowd out of the window, and open a new page of the book?

而更多的时候,我喜欢静静的 观察 和品味茶。茶叶的形状最初是扁瘦而干枯的,细细地嗅,也只能闻到一阵极淡的清香。但是,当你倒入一杯开水呢?你会看到,在滚烫的开水中,茶叶的形状发生了奇特的变化:茶的叶子随着水流翻滚而渐渐舒展,墨绿色的叶子变成嫩绿,同时释放出一种奇特的芳香。就像刚下过雨的清晨,深吸一口,能感到有一种鲜活的 生命 力在体内流动。茶叶的变化不只有这些,它还悄悄地染绿了水。起先无色无味的一杯清水,被它变成了一杯浓香飘溢的茶。或 许你会说,这只是一种很普通的变化,并没有什么特别之处,但是,我要说的是, 如果 不是茶叶忍受了热水的煎熬,怎会释放出这样浓郁的芳香?
More often than not, I like to quietly observe and taste the tea. The shape of tea is initially flat and dry, carefully smell, also can only smell a very light fragrance. But, what about when you pour in a cup of boiling water? You will see that in the boiling water, the shape of the tea leaves has changed strangely: the leaves of the tea with the water rolling and gradually stretch, the dark green leaves become pale green, and at the same time release a strange fragrance. Just like the rainy morning, a deep breath, can feel a fresh vitality in the body flow. Tea changes not only these, it also quietly dyed green water. At first colorless and tasteless cup of water, it became a cup of fragrant tea. Perhaps you will say, this is just a very common change, there is nothing special, but I would say, if the tea did not endure the hot water, how can release such a strong fragrance?

人生亦是如此。如果不经历挫折与失败,不坚持下去,你怎会懂得一览众山小的 滋味 ?
The same is true of life. If you do not experience setbacks and failures, do not stick to it, how can you know the taste of the small mountains?

If there is no rain wash, how can there be a dazzling rainbow hanging in the sky? If there is no caterpillar in the dark and crowded cocoon secretly determined to cocoon, how can you have gorgeous wings? Without a strong will to survive, the tree had already died. if……

世界 上有太多的如果如果,但人生没有如果,如果你没有熬过眼前的这一片黑暗,你怎会看到前方那一抹明亮的希望!所以,为了现在的我们不留遗憾,请让我们赶在命运的前面抓住成功的头发!
There are too many if in the world if, but there is no if, if you have not survived the darkness in front of you, how can you see the front of a bright hope! So, in order to now we have no regrets, please let us catch up in front of the fate of the successful hair!

Tea, is to taste the unique taste of life —— no sweet, fragrant!


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